Overview of AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)
Following the 9/11 terror attacks on the US, many countries/regions have joined forces to combat terrorism and C-TPAT and CSI (Container Security Initiatives), introduced by the U.S., have been part of this initiative. The EU amended the Community Customs Code and its implementing provisions in December, 2006. They provide traders (Authorized Economic Operator) that meet the compliance criteria for cargo security with preferential customs procedures. On January 1st 2008, the provisions for the AEO program will enter into force. In addition, it will become mandatory for traders to provide customs authorities with advance information on goods brought into, or out of the EU customs territory from July 1st 2009. AEO certified companies will be granted a streamlined approach to customs procedures and our European subsidiaries have already applied for and are preparing for this program.
Our Approach in Japan
The amended Customs Law was enacted in 2007 with the aim of revising the existing Simplified Export Declaration Procedure. This new law is the Japanese version of the AEO program and offers preferential treatment to exporters who meet its high standards of compliance as well as a qualification system to obtain the preferential treatment.
Nippon Express was authorized in 2008 as the first nationwide company to be allowed to benefit from these new procedures. We ensure enforcement of compliance management to enable both warehouse operations under bond and customs procedures accurately.
Our Approach Global
In European Region, Nippon Express (Nederland) B.V. was selected by the customs authorities to be one of the pilot companies for this system, and in May 2008 it became the first Japanese forwarder in Europe to receive authorization. This reflects the trust of customs officials earned by Nippon Express over many years of solid performance.
Our group companies in Italy, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium and France are also authorized now. In other Regions, our group companies in Korea, Canada, Taiwan, India, Thailand, China and Indonesia are authorized to date.
Several aspects are considered on awarding this qualification:
- Compliance in customs clearance operations
- Operation of an appropriate internal control system for logistics and customs clearance procedures
- Sound financial standing
- Implementation of an appropriate security management system