Global network (GDP bases)

Nippon Express is building a global logistics network that links infrastructure and forwarding services to ensure safety on a global level and meet pharmaceutical logistics requirements.


AS of Mar 2024

Country/Region Area/City Status
Japan Japan Narita Certified
Japan East Certified
Japan Osaka (Kansai Airport) Certified
Japan West Certified
Japan Kyushu Certified
Americas United States Chicago Certified
United States New York Certified
United States Los Angeles Certified
United States Philadelphia In progress
Europe United Kingdom London Certified
United Arab Emirates Dubai Certified
Ireland Dublin Certified
Germany Frankfurt Certified
France Paris Certified
Belgium Brussels Certified
Netherlands Amsterdam Certified
Poland Warsaw Certified
Hungary Budapest In progress
Spain Barcelona Certified
United Arab Emirates Dubai Certified
East Asia China Shanghai Certified
China Beijing In progress
Korea Incheon Certified
Taiwan Taipei Certified
Hong Kong Hong Kong Certified
South Asia & Oceania Singapore Singapore Certified
Thailand Bangkok Certified
Indonesia Jakarta Certified
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Certified
Bangladesh Dhaka Certified
Australia Sydney Certified
Cambodia Phnom Penh Certified
India Hyderabad Certified
India Delhi Certified
India Ahmedabad Certified
India Mumbai Certified
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