Temperature-controlled transportation (NX-PHARMA TempSure)

Delivering Safety & Security Worldwide

We at Nippon Express carry out unique quality control that meets the strict standards of good distribution practice (GDP) for pharmaceutical products. In the case of the pharmaceutical-product logistics service of Nippon Express, we provide transport methods that are in accordance with the characteristics of pharmaceutical products, including investigational new drugs, prescription pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and pharmaceutical intermediates.

We safely and securely transport pharmaceutical products based on high-level security measures that prevent placebo adulteration and theft, thorough delivery-date management, and optimal temperature control. Furthermore, we are able to reliably deliver pharmaceutical products to the necessary locations by utilizing Nippon Express bases at locations worldwide. This is the Nippon Express pharmaceutical logistics service, “NX-PHARMA TempSure”.

Logistics service composed of five elements

The “NX-PHARMA TempSure” pharmaceutical logistics service of Nippon Express is a unique service that consists of five elements, a global network, quality, carrier management, Temperature-controlled packaging solutions, and digital platform.

This service thus meets the various needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

Carrier management

We give priority to appointing airline companies that meet the standards that apply to the handling of pharmaceutical products, such as GDP standards and CEIV Pharma certification.
In addition, we regularly perform reviews together with airline companies with the aim of maintaining and improving quality standards.

Temperature-controlled packaging solutions

We provide passive and active packaging that accommodate the temperature ranges of 15 to 25 °C, 2 to 8 °C, freezing and -150 °C

QEP accreditation

Our company has received QEP accreditation from Envirotainer at our 35 major gateways all over the world.
QEP is the Qualified Envirotainer Provider Training and Quality Program that is carried out and accredited by Envirotainer officially.


Digital platform service ("NX-PHARMA TempSure Advanced")

Nippon Express has developed a digital platform utilizing IoT devices that connect logistics information, enable real-time monitoring and End-to-End solution.
With Nippon Express' proprietary IoT devices, which are temperature calibrated, you can check detailed temperature and location information in real time on your monitor.
We will provide safe and secure pharmaceutical transportation services utilizing Nippon Express locations around the world.

  • Monitoring of shipment route

  • Monitoring of real-time temperature
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